Looking for an emerald…

Travelling between

the thin line of

reality and fantasy,

looking for an emerald

that resides in me,


I stumble through distant paths

get burnt by dragon’s tongues,

 I climb the mountains

to see no sun

but be struck by lightning

in search of something

that is nowhere

but inside me,


I dwell in darkness

feast on my own dead skin,

split open my eyes,

looking for that island

where I think the stone is;


fantasy becomes reality

when I last return home,

and find some drops

falling down my open eyes,

they glint with a distinct sheen,

and I realize,

they are the dear stones,

I was looking for,

in the realm of fantasy,


all the time,

them being overlooked

by my heart,

but present

in my own reality.

*Written in response of dVerse Mirage/Fantasy prompt.

Aki Chikashi (Autumn Near) Haiku

silent noise around

a lonely stroll down the street

finding my way back


looking at the sky

warm sun caressing the cheeks

lips begin to hum

* Written in response of Carpe Diem # 234. I know these haiku do not particularly match today’s theme. But it resonates with what nearing autumn means to me. The end of summer for me is the time when I can go for a stroll around in the city; being solitary even when I am am surrounded by a crowd. Autumn here is quite different; the trees do not shed leaves this time of the year. It is not so beautiful but it is beautiful, for it also marks the arrival of the major festivities. I now remember the autumn of the last year- it was peaceful, and it was a respite from the difficult time. I smiled, I talked to people- there was an unflinching voice within me reminding me of what I have been through and cautioning of what would happen in the future, but still I found some really good moments. Today at this stage I long for them, like when I was at that stage, I longed for a further gone away past. I have never been able to understand my longings for something which has gone or for something which resides in my fantasies. But it is so and I live with it everyday.

Painting: A 100 Word Story


Bright sunlight pierced his eyes as he stepped into the fine painting and heard a loud baritone, “Attention!”

He looked around to find out the place of origin of the deep voice. But there was nobody around nearby, except for a guard standing alert with a rifle facing upwards, held in his palms; his face impassive, devoid of any emotions and his dark eyes sparkling.

There were people at a distance but he was sure nobody could see him and the still life beside him.

“What are you looking at?” spoke someone from behind.

He returned back to the reality.

copyright –Managua Gunn

*Written in response of the Friday Fictioneers Writing Prompt.

Samidare (Midsummer Rain) Haiku


music of rain on pavement

lost in memories


out of oblivion

clouds shade the sky in its cloak

the first drops fell down


a midsummer rain

relieving yearning pupils

a solace from heat


elevated Sun

drizzling clouds in the sunshine

look for the rainbow


the midsummer’s day

longest in glory and rays

washed down by the rain


looking through window

a play of the rain droplets

meditating life

* Written in response of Carpe Diem # 219