Painting: A 100 Word Story


Bright sunlight pierced his eyes as he stepped into the fine painting and heard a loud baritone, “Attention!”

He looked around to find out the place of origin of the deep voice. But there was nobody around nearby, except for a guard standing alert with a rifle facing upwards, held in his palms; his face impassive, devoid of any emotions and his dark eyes sparkling.

There were people at a distance but he was sure nobody could see him and the still life beside him.

“What are you looking at?” spoke someone from behind.

He returned back to the reality.

copyright –Managua Gunn

*Written in response of the Friday Fictioneers Writing Prompt.

10 thoughts on “Painting: A 100 Word Story

    • Yes, but it happens. Doesn’t it? When we find ourselves lost in the worlds painted by the artist that we are swiped off our feet and be in a rhythm with the colors, the beautiful brushes of the painting..

      I am glad I could make you laugh a bit by my pseudonym. It actually stands for How Anxious.

      And thank you for reading! 🙂


    • Oh yes.. We all do choose our paintings indeed where we would like to go for a stroll, travel through it, explore it, experience its wonders but in the end, we all have to return to the reality- the world we can touch but may still not feel.
      Thanks for reading. 🙂


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