Open: A Short Story

“I am never going to be someone I am not. I don’t mind being open but I am more of a genteel person by nature,” I say mumbling.

He doesn’t reply. He has directed his entire focus towards the steering wheel, as if trying to solve the riddle that I am, in the slight hand movements he make, while coursing through this coarse traffic. I, on the other hand, have my eyes set on his lips, awaiting them to open and grant me some wisdom.

They do open but just for him to release the breath he has been holding. I am eager. He doesn’t oblige.

As my end stop does come, I slowly open the door and look at him one last time. His eyes are now determined to see through the dashboard to the mysteries of what this machine is made of.

I ponder at the colours of the car in the moon shine as he backs and takes my last view away from me.

“It was not worth talking to him.” The words reach me before the source. She comes and sits atop my shoulder, as she always does. “You can open your heart to me.” She gives me a choice. It is enticing but I would better not. And she knows that. Vanishing in smoke, she leaves me alone.

I have nowhere to go. I settle down on the rotten grass, acting as a cushion for me, from the cold gravel below. I kiss my hands, rubbing the heat of my breaths, soothing them this warm night when I am cold.

No one comes. No one ever comes on this path. And the driver would not return now. I have no strength to pick up on those tiny lights within my heart for him to feed on. But she would return. “I should give up to her. Why wait any longer?”

But she is not going to arrive just like that. I wait. She never comes. I freeze in the boiling sun the next day and the day after next, I am blown away. I have opened up my molecules and now, they return back to where they came from. I am no longer one, as I never was. I am bound. I am open.


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Dream: A 100 Word Story

“You know… you know what, I saw a dream but it was like reality. And you know where I was.” He plunged into the fantasy, becoming a phantom of happiness.

“Where were you?” The other one asked, from the other side of things.

“It was… you know- a mountain top… No. It was a hilly area but I was living in a small hut at the jutting high rocks of the sea shore. It was warm and cold at once. I…”

“It was a dream,” the mirrored-one replied.

His reflection flickered as he subsided into his convulsing cocoon of darkness.


Image source

* For Trifecta.

Live: A 100 Word Story

“The cyclone will hit in the evening. They are here to take us away to the temporary shelters.”

“What of our house… and furniture, and jewelry?”

“Hurry up… we need to go.” He looked away, hiding his tears from his wife who was still bewildered by the emergency of the moment.

“But…” She tried to voice her concern for everything they had earned in their lifetime.

He took her hands. “Is this life more important or these material possessions? I am sorry. Just pick a suitcase and take the clothes and jewelry, you could pack into it. We need to leave/live.”


Image copyright: Janet M. Webb

* For Friday Fictioneers.

Greece: A 100 Word Story

“I wish I could visit Greece. I am fascinated by the mythology. I would love to walk through those amphitheaters, pavilions and temples. I know much of it is in ruins now… still…,” he spoke to his friend.

“But of course you can get the experience anytime,” she replied.

“Oh! Where will I get the funds for such an exciting endeavor?”

“Not necessary… just come along with me.” She took his hand and walked him to the computer table.

“Are you buying me a vacation?” he asked, excitedly, but soon his expression turned sour as she opened up Google images.


* For Friday Fictineers.

Lonesome Night

It was a lonesome night when he entered the pub, leaning on his walking stick. The lights were dim and he could see that it was all empty. The floor shone as if it was just laid that morning and all the rickety tables were clean. He trotted his way towards the individual stools.

Sitting down, he saw a woman appear out of thin air. She had wholesome breasts and that was the first thing he noticed. With a deep cleavage where she could grow flowers if need be, she stopped by his stool, battling her jet-black eyelashes.

“What would you like to have?” Her voice was the mating call of the tigress and distracted him from his careful contemplation of her bosoms.

“Uh… Uh huh! I would like… anything you give me.” He failingly tried to flirt but it had all come out to be quite silly.

He looked at her face as a seductive smile played on her luscious lips. He took her whole persona capturing every single bit of her from top to bottom in a matter of few seconds, while she stood still with that astonishing smile.

He gasped as she started to remove the straps of her burgundy gown. Taking in every moment of her fingers as they glided across her body, he could feel the heat in his crotch.

It took her but a minute to get out of her rumpled dress. She was naked for him to take but before he could speak anything, she went to the bar and made a concoction for him. He waited eagerly rubbing his testicles and soon, she returned with his drink.

“What is it, darling?” he asked hurriedly.

“Zombie- mixture of this and that,” she revealed.

He eagerly finished the drink in one gulp and he was out before even a single thought could cross his mind.

“One must not go out alone on Halloween,” said the naked woman as she disappeared along with the dead body.


* For Trifecta: Week Ninety-Eight.

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