In the shade of Peepal…

sitting in the shade of Peepal,

he invited the gossip

from around the village-

Who ran away with whom?

Who beat his wife?

Whose children disobey?

he lived his years in shade of

his best companion, Peepal,

as his own life slipped away;


his condolence meeting was held

eventually in shade of that Peepal


* For dverse Meeting the Bar, where Brian celebrates his birthday and invites us to write a story in 55 words. Also for Friday Flash 55, as suggested by Brian.

* Peepal is also known as Sacred Fig, its binomial name being Ficus Religiosa.

Hotaru (Firefly) Haiku

shimmering fireflies

into the eyes of  beloved

a passionate love


old stream of water

soldier returns home from war

black tears, fireflies gone


midnight moon shines bright

hotaru glows at distance



a mid-summer day

young boys trot towards river

waiting for the fire


waters set on fire

man gazing into his soul

a soundless twilight


splendor of fireflies

fairy tale coming to life

spectators gather

* Written in response of Carpe Diem # 221

* Won’t be able to post for the next 8 days or so; going to miss the wonderful prompts.


Under the star light, he silently moved towards her.

She was sitting on the pier, gazing at the ripples of water, appearing on the sea surface. They were on a vacation and he was in a weird mood all the time.


She heard his voice and looked back. He had a sharp knife, clenched in his left hand with a mad look in his eyes. She was speechless, her mouth gasped open. Coming back to her senses, she shrieked.

“Listen, baby”

She wailed a long cry for help.

Lights switched on and people came pouring out, some spreading torchlight to brighten the night in front of them.

“What happened?”
“Who was that?”
“Did you hear…?”
“Mom, I am afraid.”
“Hey, do you know?”

Rushing towards the location, they saw the entire scene; a mad man with a knife going to kill a young woman.

“Hey…,” a brave man moved ahead, talking to the man with the knife, “Throw that away. You can’t do anything to her now.”


“Throw it away.”

He threw it away.

“And what is in you right hand. What are you hiding?”

He brought his hand forward to show a chocolate cake, resting on his palm.

A wave of shock fell across the peering crowd and the muttering started again.

“It is for my wife. It is her birthday; so I brought across a cake for her to cut down under the celestial light. It was a surprise,” he meekly said and started to cry.


* Written in response of the Trifecta Challenge: Light

Dripping: A 3 Sentence Story

The aged man was resting in the shade of the peepal tree on a hot and humid afternoon, when a sparrow maneuvered into the thick green branches, rustling the leaves in the otherwise silent atmosphere. The tired man didn’t notice the arrival of the newcomer. He just stroked his fingers over his cheeks where the bird’s dripping fell down over him, in his sleep.

* Written in response of the Trifextra Challenge.