Run Away

Copyright – EL Appleby

“Oh God, save me,” he was running away from some scary creature with a long wide trunk and small tusks, that were very much hidden under the shadow of the massive muscular monolith.

“How is it running so fast?” he glanced back and found that this elephant look-alike creature had hooves for his legs and…, “Has he got a black and white rear with a tail?”

His heart was throbbing and he couldn’t run any longer; all his concentration on the beast. He didn’t notice the valley looming before him and thence, he fell down, waking up from a dream.

* Written in response to Friday Fictioneers challenge and that too when I am half asleep.

Into Deep Waters

Running into deep waters

full of yellow green moss

drenching my hair

coating my skin

crying out loud within

staying there forever

away from the clean world

where I do not belong

becoming my reality

accepting my truth

be free in the end

there in that mess

surrounded by my destiny

finally being who I am

running into deep waters

I hope I can

hope I will one day

be in the deep waters

amid the yellow green moss

staying there

I hope I will

run into those deep waters.

The Evil

The evil stands up when I stand

It sleeps beside me on the bed

It is there when I eat

And also when I try to read and write

I feel its presence-

A chill descends upon my body

And my soul craves to run there and then

But I am lost

I want that evil to stand up when I stand

To sleep beside me on the bed

Be there when I eat

Also when I read and write

I want its presence around me

Because that evil is no one but me.

That evil is no one but me

Me being responsible for my deeds

I hurt myself

I kick myself in the shins

That evil is no one but me

That evil is no one but me…

That evil is no one but me

I am the one who deals with me

 I am the one who is my worst enemy

I am responsible for everything 

Everything, everything, everything

That evil is no one but me…

I do not know

who I am


I struggle to see

myself within


I do not know

who I am


I can’t find

