the view at the end of the lines

a blessing that ricochets off my chest
to fall on my bare toes, scarred and
engraved with the lines of silent sky,
that blessing is what I hold, much like
a dead flower in my palms, watering
as a futile attempt for it to reawaken.

I shut the heart inside a jewel box,
to beat unheard by lines of leisure,
it is like the peeling paint that just
won’t fall, demanding attention of
its decay, hurting eyes, I don’t want
to see anymore, everything in shreds.

there is a view at the end of all lines
that beckons all those lost leaves
plucked away from the home tree,
I am in the midst finding my way
to the chasm where it stops being
of consequence, needed no more.


For Sunday Mini-Challenge at With Real Toads. I am also going to link it up with Poetry Pantry at PU.

Image source– It is an oil on canvas by Piet Mondrian.

Illusion: A Haibun

Illusion or reality- that shrouds my vision obscuring from me the truth that lies before me. There is a grey cover hiding a round object on the table. That object is what I seek, that object is what will give me a much-needed direction in life. I move gradually towards that wooden structure on which rests my fate, my destiny. I thrust my hand forward and carefully pick up the grey curtain, which when hurled away would lead me to the view of what the future holds for me. I am numb but I made myself see the object. It is a glass orb. I pick it up and all I see is haze and nothing else. Illusion or reality- that plagues my vision obscuring from me the truth that lies nowhere before me.

a hazy future

illusion of the glass orb

directionless life

* For Ligo Haibun Challenge.

View: A 100 Word Story

“And the outside view was just extraordinary,” she finished her rant finally.

“So, you really enjoyed it, didn’t you?”

“I loved it immensely.”

“It is good that you watched this week’s episode because I know it would have caused you enormous pain if you had missed it,” he said giving a wicked smile.

She didn’t get the sarcasm in his words, “That is true: I wouldn’t have missed viewing this episode for anything in the world since it is not everyday, after all, that my favorite travelers’ show telecast such a masterpiece featuring the best hotel room in the world.”

* Written in response of Five Sentence Fiction Writing Prompt. The challenge was to write a five sentence story; so I crafted a five dialog one. Still, I couldn’t come up with a really good piece.  I hope that is alright.