justice wrought as words tumble out/ at least for now- I am a vampire (Part 1)

a worm bite it is as I take rounds around the walking path

of the garden where the mutts shout, reclaim their territory,

I get the notion to return back and open the empty pages

so to absorb their whiteness through my trembling fingers

as they begin to trot on their own accord, a voice found

some words to relinquish my thirst, my loquacious desires


“You look very much like a vampire,” a class mate says to me,

I make the gesture of biting my own wrist so that the blood

shall run free, and sniff the air of imaginative dreams

“Hello, unique,” a mate calls me out from the crowd

and I embrace his title for me, the uniqueness imbued in us all

struggling to sore out in the form of an image

to represent the remains that are left of me


how little I know my vanity, how much I know my individuality,

sins I create, sins I commit, I am pardoned by my justice

that stings like the worm bite and I caress it incredulously


Thank you so much for your support. I haven’t replied to your kind comments in my previous post but I have embraced your love and the beauty of your kind words.
This poem here is a part of a series of poems: “I am a vampire”. I have already written the second part as well. So, it is final that it would at least have two parts and if it happens to be so, I would like to continue further with it.

Embracing Invisibility

I embrace invisibility of air,

and cling to it, but falling down,

unsupported by vapours and gas,

smacking my chin, squashing in and

teeth of the lower jaw, rising high

and high, ploughing into the tongue,

to let the blood rivulets surge out,

to taint red the invisibility of air,

and flush it with sinful crimson

of my hurt, rendering it visible

to my eye, because a victim I’m

of nature’s treachery, of ennui

of the evanescent air, I now

wipe away the rest of it from

my kaput lips, my persistent

psyche has me close my eyes,

to see none of matter of mine,

embracing the air in gratuity,

clung to our likeness, after

donning in me that invisibility


For dVerse Poetics. It will take me a while to visit you but I would find my way to your writing space and dwell in your words for sometime.

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