Honey: A 100 Word Story

Copyright – Jennifer Pendergast

“Extracting honey isn’t that hard,” the beekeeper laughed, “You may get a sting or two. Let me show you. I let the bees stay in their natural surroundings. They have made a hive in my backyard.”

They went to the backyard to look at the operation of the whole procedure.

The beekeeper carried plant stems and tree bark and burnt them at the foot of the tree. Soon, the bees appeared, buzzing and swarming away, as the smoke penetrated in the air around.

Everyone was awed as the keeper climbed up the tree to procure the honey comb for sweet honey.


* For Friday Fictioneers.

23 thoughts on “Honey: A 100 Word Story

  1. Great descriptive writing. Reminds me of documentaries showing honey collectors in central Africa climbing tall trees and carrying a small smoking bunch of smoking grass/moss – no different to our first world people.


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