Sightless eyes

An Illustration by W.T. Benda

my expression of disinterest

lined in my eyes entranced,

and agonized by furtive faces,

to express a wonder, at how

they hide the mayhem within,

I, on the other hand, I whip

out wicked words, that have me

blinded to see sun shine black,

in an eternal realm of lips that

smile back and forth toothy grins,

Β .

I can’t unsee those gay noses,

erect in a prideful posture,

nor those tight eyebrows

chiding me for my quandary,

I am blind to see gangrene

of my skin that sheds in peels,

burnt up whole, heaving fumes,

only making each glow golden,

in the periphery of vision, of

my sightless eyes, that only can see


For Imaginary Garden With Real Toads Fireblossom Friday Prompt. I will be here and there but I would find my way to your blog to read your wise words.


I have been quite inactive lately. The thing is that my exams are approaching and I was devoting the month of February towards my studies. I was doing alright but these last three days haven’t been much productive. My mind started playing games with me and well, I lost. As for writing, I am quite deserted of the words. Tension and unusual stress and even carelessness sometimes intrude my conscious to keep me from paying attention to time and make me just float in the frothy oceans of seconds.

I am not going to be around much… though, I can not be sure of anything. I gave myself a free day today so that I could get back to concentrating on what is more important from tomorrow onward. I have more or less two weeks left to do what I can do. And now that statement has quite disturbed me. I am quite a peculiar being, you might say.

Well… on a good note, I uploaded a poem(I had written in November) on you tube. I just made slides of written word on one single background and made a video of it. I know that that is absurd, but I felt like doing so:

19 thoughts on “Sightless eyes

  1. Good luck on your exams. Glad you took the time out to share this with us–you have really captured some of the alien quality of masks, as well as our own masks which are so much harder to see, let alone remove.


  2. Loving both your poems my friend!
    I am sorry that you have to struggle. It’s hard when your mind starting to go its own way.
    But don’t be so hard on yourself and take some time to relax.
    Wishing you all the best on your exams! I am sure that you can do it!
    Lots of love and hugz ❀


  3. oy i feel you on the exams…i have 2 big ones coming up in March, so i am feeling the pressure…and poetry is my escape when i can…i have a week til the first so will be studying quite a bit…

    like the verse….the second stanza…we cant unsee and the images stick with us….gritty…the contrast between the blindness and what we can see as well is nice…

    best wishes man…


  4. Some images always stuck somewhere on ‘periphery of vision’ …but it’s good to try on your own anyway, because you have divine inside…~ Good luck with exams! xx


  5. You’ve expressed the illustration perfectly….the contrast makes us see ourselves inside out..
    Very nicely done Anmol….best wishes for your exam πŸ™‚


  6. First the faces/masks–yes, I want to say, yes–sight and blindness are relative to the mask. In the state of study you are in now, your mind is keen and this poem sharp.

    Second the video with its music of hope and photo of a sea as still as the masks of the first poem–You start with the tempest which enlivens and destroys and offer an unfeeling calm left as if deadened, but I think there are smaller storms to come that will bring back animation without harm. The tension between surface and the roiling beneath suggests this.

    You are creating fine art from your truths.


  7. Beautiful poem! Also the one in the video. The music in combination with reading matched very well! It gave me a relaxed feeling. πŸ™‚ Thanks a lot for sharing, even now that you’re busy with the exams. Don’t forget to get some rest and I wish you good luck for the exams!


  8. You know how I smiled when I saw that you have been studying. Perfectly understand if poetry is put on the ‘back burner’ as we say here. I read the words on the video post but my IPad would not play the music. Why do you say this is an absurd thing to do? Perhaps because of the study and the pressure you feel you are under, you are being a little unkind to yourself, don’t be, both were powerful and I thank you for taking some time out to share. You know you will go well in your exams..I know it too, take care anmol and we will still all be here on your return.


    • Ha! I know. πŸ™‚
      If I am not feeling inspired to write, I throw random words strung together in the air… they become my poetry then.
      I was calling it absurd because I just made it on Movie maker… adding the words to the backdrop of the music. It would have had more significance if it was a spoken word creation. But still, I enjoyed doing it.
      Thank you for the encouragement. Hope you are doing well. πŸ™‚


  9. merbear74 says:

    Good luck to you, Ha. I have no doubt you will do wonderfully without you even knowing it. Loved your video idea, and poem. xoxo – Mer


  10. Snakypoet (Rosemary Nissen-Wade) says:

    Good luck with al your endeavours. I enjoyed your poem and the video, and hope you will soon be back whipping out your wicked words. πŸ™‚


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