Sylvia Plath- her voice still echoes around…

Here is my tribute to Sylvia Plath; a villanelle-

her voice still echoes around

the lone bird, lost in the mirrors of time

faded, yet there with a fluttering sound


hear, take it in, let it be found

moaning in pain, narrating the crime

her voice still echoes around


her body decaying in the burial ground

she is gone, leaving behind her life’s dime

faded, yet there with a fluttering sound


the years she spent but being bound

a prisoner to her own mind’s rime

her voice still echoes around


leaving nothing behind her, no expound

just her work, her prayers, so sublime

faded, yet there with a fluttering sound


oh Sylvia Plath, you are indeed crowned

the queen, amid the humanity’s grime 

your voice still echoes around

faded, yet there with a fluttering sound 

5 thoughts on “Sylvia Plath- her voice still echoes around…

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