Shall I shove an apple to thy face!?

shall I shove an apple to thy face,

which thou bite into, with a savage grace,

shall I wink shooting stars through my eyes,

to pierce thy coarse lips, sewing shut thy lies,

shall I bash thou, with my passion of oddity,

as thou wipe your nose on my heart, thy commodity,

shall I taste bitterness of thy sugar coated love,

as thou interrupt the mating of cloud doves,

shall I lose my tongue to thy expectations,

as extraordinary as black carnations,

shall I freeze thy image in heat of my blood,

as thou break my skull, with thy humor, with a thud,

shall I crunch thy bones within my canines,

so as to prove to thee, my glacial warmth signs,

we shall live perpetually in this strident abode,

our gurgling guts stringed by curvaceous roads,

I strangle thee in thy heavy bald locks,

while thou noose me in a hard death lock,

this love is a love, ye would not understand,

look away, as we finish each other off, as planned


Ha! 😀 It was fun. I was inspired by dVerse prompt today- to use conceit metaphors and images in the poem. Though I have gone quite bizarre in some of my pieces earlier, today I decided to keep it simple… as I see it.

This is tagged as the post for 29 November for NaBloPoMo. Just one more poem to go and then, I am done with the challenge.

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