Day 09: An Unexpected Liking Towards A Book

Okay, the prompt asks to discuss about a book which you thought you wouldn’t like but unexpectedly, you ended up liking it. A book like that would be difficult to find in my “read” list because I always tend to read the books that have appealed to me in some way, either by their synopsis or the popularity factor. I am once again going through the list of books that I have read. Let me look for a book which could fit into this category.

Well, I don’t know if I’d ever read a book which I thought was going to disappoint me. Tell me truly: who would read a book one thought one wouldn’t like? We all want to have a good reading experience when we pick up a book. It is that simple for me.

So, I am going to discuss about a book which doesn’t fall into this very category (none of the books I have read would). I am rather going to discuss a book which I read just because everyone was reading the books by that author. And that book is Desperation by Stephen King.

Isn’t that a creepy cover!?

A widely popular author; I don’t know but I never wanted to read his books. May be it was because I had heard of the competition between him and Sidney Sheldon; the latter being my favorite author once. But I finally put aside my prejudice and I read a book by him. I don’t know whether it was a good choice to start with or not but in the end, I quite liked the book.

I enjoyed the haunting reading experience which was certainly creepy. It is a story of a town which has come into the control of some ancient gods. After a closed mine was reopened, there were certain figurines found which came to control the beings who had come in close vicinity to them. The book starts with incidents of such tourists who were travelling through a highway quite near to the haunted town in the state of Maine, who were confronted and tortured by a possessed police officer.

It was a very interesting book, in which God was of course a very important identity like in many other books by the author. I liked the characters and their story of how they were going to defeat those powerful creatures of the dark.

I didn’t read any book by Stephen King for a while after I had finished this book. But later on I read some other books by him and I look forward to reading more of his work.

That is all. Would you like to share about your reading experiences of any book or even if you would just want to say hello? Please feel free and write to me; either down in the comments section or you can send an e-mail to me through the Contact Me Page.

4 thoughts on “Day 09: An Unexpected Liking Towards A Book

  1. I haven’t read many Stephen King books but I can say the few I have read, I consider him one of the greatest writers. The book I read of his was The Shining and that book was so intense after reading it, I swore to never read another Stephen King book again. It was like I could feel his fingers reaching out from the book and manipulating my emotions and it was kind of creepy to be honest. I think now though I am going to break this ban and read more. I want to read Under the Dome since I have been watching the TV series.


    • Thanks for sharing that. I haven’t read The Shining yet but it is in my “to read” list. And I understand what you mean regrading the intensity of his books. It was like that for me when I read Desperation, alone in a dark room. 🙂

      I want to read Under the Dome myself.

      You know what the good thing about him is; all his books do not pertain to the horror genre. I have read some paranormal and psychotic books by him like Rose Madder and The Dead Zone (which is my favorite book by him, among all those I have read) and also Misery. You may give them a try. He writes really good indeed.


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