
it was the thirteenth time

(she was counting)

when she heard his voice,

somewhere from far away,

but still close, too close

(as if whispering in her ears)


she had devoured him,

tasted his blood and drank it all,

seven pints of it and

left his flesh to rot away,

or be the subject of a vulture’s dream,

she had gotten rid of him,

(that was what she believed)

but still she could hear his voice,


as it was when she slaughtered him

to bits, seventeen pieces that stood apart,

torn away from the lifeless dummy,

she had snarled as she chewed down

his three eyes that once saw beyond

and sucked his lips that once kissed,


she still heard his voice as it was

when she punctured his artery

and drank his life away, as it was

when he thrashed in her feathery arms,

struggled but then relaxed,

accepting what was to come,

lusty for her to take it away,

the poison that was left of him,


she still heard his voice,

as he looked within her,

he penetrated her soul,

with those dead eyes that saw

but never saw again,


she still felt his voice

tingle her back, (he was there),

she felt him within her bones,

his life flowing in her vessels,

she was the body he had,


she wanted him as prey and had him,

(and believed that he was hers)

but it changed when he came to rule

over her, it was his voice

beckoning her to do what he desired,

it was his eyes that had come alive,

and looked through her,

and those lips she had fed on

were there speaking back to her,

his voice that emerged from within her,

he was there, (always been there),

he had become her soul-mate

*For dVerse Poetics. I took a slightly different approach and wrote a dark poem with certain ominous numbers.

34 thoughts on “Soul-mate

  1. geez…now that was intense…graphic…but also very interesting…i like how in her attempt to take him, take from him—in consuming him, she was not able to rid herself of him but he became a part of her…made me think of those that are haunted by those they hurt or even kill…what a penance eh? this is def much different than what i have read of yours…good job trying out something new…


    • thanks, Bjorn… multiple layers allow the readers to have their own viewpoint.. like when I read it the first time myself, I took it as a romantic relationship gone bad.. and now I see something else in it.. and Brian took it as the murderer, now under the shadow of suffering.. guilt for the crime.


  2. …the brutal effect is quite effective… & creepy… but soulmates are soulmates no matter how many deaths she would wish to grace unto him… poor love…aww… loved this… smiles…


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