That loose wire


A cable wire dangling outside which paved the way for my passage through these words

a loose wire dangling,

tattered at certain places,

spiraling downwards

to a bottom, I can not see,

for I am hanging somewhere

in the middle, nothing lies

below or up, but this point

where I gauchely cling, as

to follow the passage

of that thin cord,

I can not touch but

feel in my sight


I am linking it up with Friday Flash 55.

20 thoughts on “That loose wire

  1. makes me wonder where it might lead…but that is part of the adventure of life now isnt it….not knowing…seeing only a brief bit of it and trusting enough to follow it….


  2. Being suspended is always a difficult, alienating place, but there are forces at play–like gravity–which hopefully will help. Love the dangling feeling you inject here.


  3. G-Man says:

    You must beware of those dangling participles!!!
    HA…Once again you have demonstrated your expertise at all forms of writing.
    You are a joy to read
    Loved your insightful 55
    Thanks for playing, and have a Kick Ass Week-End
    And a Happy New Year


  4. The meaning behind your poem says it all.

    We all feel like being in the middle of things and not knowing what side to believe or choose. But sometimes choosing a right side can bring us to an ending of solutions.

    Beautifully written my friend.,

    I am back! and I just posted a new poem. check it out…:)


  5. i can understand hanging on a loose wire – somewhere in the middle, not knowing where i am or where i am going – seeing frays and wondering if the wire will support my weight….


Here is where you tell me something...