14 thoughts on “Coming of Autumn Haiku

    • Because haiku are meant to have a season word in them and they have to capture a particular moment.

      Kristjaan at Carpe Diem is prompting us with Japanese season words this month. The result is definitely going to be a haiku written in traditional sense.

      Thanks for sharing your thoughts.


  1. I actually love the smell of autumn in the air…guess the leaves changing and shift in air temperature create it. I don’t associate a scent of summer but your haiku does. Well done!


  2. After the heat of summer the feeling of a sweet cool breeze and the scent of autumn going along with it makes that the senses awaken again … and finally autumn is there.
    Wandering through my neighborhood, sniffing up the scent of decaying leaves I realize that autumn is there … my favorite season. Thank you HA for sharing this set of haiku. They are well written and so in tune with the coming of autumn.


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