

I exist in the voices,
in sounds-

gentle, ricocheting against
the loud bass in the background
and speaking in hushed tones
in corridors where the tiles
are no longer bleached white.

I exist in that TV volume, defined
by the bars that identify the
intensity of my intent,

exist in the grrr grr grinding
of thoughts into an unpalatable
mush, that I got served for

I am defined by the water striking
the s(k)in(k) surface, I am that

you no longer pay attention to,

the mundane, I am, the (l)ord-inary.


I split like a water bubble.

I am not my self(ves).


Linking it up with Poets United Midweek Motif.

Image source

10 thoughts on “id

  1. Whistles!!!!! This is spellbinding 😀 especially love ” I am that you no longer pay attention to, the mundane, I am, the (l)ord-inary.” Beautifully executed.

    Lots of love,


  2. This made me think of being hospitalised – the off white..the need to be invisible in order to survive..prove our sanity and get out and be once again..powerful especially in combination with the paintings


  3. Interesting reflections on where one exists and how one’s existence is expressed in the world. Especially effective wordplay in various lines of the poem. I enjoy this kind of thing, and you do it so well.


  4. Sounds like this person has lost his way. I am not my self(ves). Caught in two worlds wanting to be noticed in between the mush of life.

    It was good to read your words again.


  5. Beautiful, HA, even though the topic is sensitive. I love that the poem strikes across more than one sense.
    Whoever is lost, should see the hope of finding something new that will be better!


Here is where you tell me something...