Three Talking Tanka

Trail of slaughter vans

Floating through thick waves of fog

Roosters stay silent.

Headlights piercing through whiteness

Making the world glow orange.


Huddled together

The crowd of evening walkers

Some amble haughty.

A blow comes chilling of wind,

Pace slows down of eager ones.


Bells start ringing loud

Chants emerge from the within

Where they say God is.

Thinking through warmth of blanket

I hear my wild thumping heart.


I am linking it up with When I Write Tanka (Part 1)- Hisashi Nakamura.

Image sourceArtwork titled Winter Fog by Victoria Heryet.

15 thoughts on “Three Talking Tanka

  1. Kerry O'Connor says:

    Each tanka conveys a very clear image of the scenes as witnessed by the observer. The emotional aspect is also vividly conveyed.


  2. kateherrod says:

    When I first saw your blog I thought… great another poetry blog.

    But then I read this post and its very good! Thanks for the short yet, interesting post


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