
incense cloud from temple, wafts towards me

and I suck in, the goodness of sacred air,

but it only brings out a cough in me-


an irregular gasp in and out


-allergic to things, that could compose my soul,

I turn away from godly vision, back to myself,

resting my head timorously on my knees


Image source

I am linking it up with G-Man’s Friday Flash 55.

16 thoughts on “Allergic

  1. I an definitely picture this, HA! Truthfully, if I smell incense it interferes with my breathing as well. It is just such a SHARP smell, at least to me.


  2. What a Drag!
    But you gotta do whats best.
    Sorry about the distress.
    Most Excellent 55 My Friend
    Thanks for playing, thanks for your great support
    Have a Kick Ass Week-End


  3. It must be horrific to be allergic to things….I’m only allergic to Penicillin so that’s easy to avoid. This was such a thoughtful, special write. I enjoyed it immensely.


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