What could have been…

a tiny tear on the paper,

through which, I can perceive

the vistas, that could have been wrought,

in an another future, if only this life

hadn’t connived, against my soul,

keeping me in leverage, entombed,

within the cords of darkness,

eventually turning me, into

the venom, of this transgression,

smoldering me over and over again


Image source

Linking it with Friday Flash 55. Also, this is going to be ltagged as my post for 2 November for NaBloPoMo.

14 thoughts on “What could have been…

  1. Dark, brooding..powerful!
    Damn fine piece of writing My Friend.
    Thanks for stopping by and for your gracious comment
    Loved your Venomous 55
    Thanks for playing, I hope you found the challenge to be creative and FUN!
    Have a Kick Ass Week-End


  2. This speaks to me of containement, of guidance towards containing our soul and mind into 1 realm of anything at the same time,making us feel as tho we are sick from something, then sick from our own hand.
    Very poignant writing!


Here is where you tell me something...