Live: A 100 Word Story

“The cyclone will hit in the evening. They are here to take us away to the temporary shelters.”

“What of our house… and furniture, and jewelry?”

“Hurry up… we need to go.” He looked away, hiding his tears from his wife who was still bewildered by the emergency of the moment.

“But…” She tried to voice her concern for everything they had earned in their lifetime.

He took her hands. “Is this life more important or these material possessions? I am sorry. Just pick a suitcase and take the clothes and jewelry, you could pack into it. We need to leave/live.”


Image copyright: Janet M. Webb

* For Friday Fictioneers.

19 thoughts on “Live: A 100 Word Story

  1. kz says:

    i think it’s the thought of having to start from zero that truly frightened her. i hope none of us would be placed in a similar situation. well done 🙂


  2. I’ve had to rebuild my life so many times because of disasters. You really captured the shocked pain you feel at having to chose what to keep and what to leave. Sometimes, all you can do is just keep repeating that “material things can be replaced, life can’t.” A very sad fact.


  3. It really is hard to say goodbye to all the things that made a life. Until you close the door, you don’t realize you can live without it.
    You wrote the emotion of the moment perfectly HA


  4. It is very hard to grasp disaster that has not yet come upon us. In a similar situation, my husband had to stay because of his job. I chose to stay with him (and our two cats) rather than fly away to personal safety. It would have been quite impossible for me to have chosen to leave! In the end, the disaster diverted itself elsewhere. Thousands died. Life is fragile. Great story, dealing realistically …


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