9 thoughts on “Ancient Voices Haiku: Mahabharata

  1. War was once a noble thing in days gone by, honorable and dignified to some degree. You haiku reflects that. Now it is clandestine and covert with terrorism at its core.


  2. The Mahabharata is one of the most spiritual stories I know and have read. A long time ago there was a TV-series about the Mahabharata on Dutch Television and I can remember that I was touched by the story of Arjuna … The Mahabharata tells us a story about war, but isn’t the right path to enlightenment a personal war? I think that’s were it’s all about … Really a wonderful series of haiku HA all three are little diamonds.


    • I have read the tales of Mahabharata since childhood and I know what your are speaking of. It was as much as a war at a personal level as much as it was between the two sections of the clan. After all the epic doesn’t start from Kurukshetra itself. There are many events that lead to what had happened. Thus, I understand you.

      And thank you for the kind words. 🙂


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