Ecstasy Haiku

ecstatic flowers

the green leaves swaying in trance

immersed in the rain


immersed in the rain

muddy puddles on the street

brighter everything


brighter everything

monsoon winds bring smile to lips

ecstatic boy runs

* For Carpe Diem # 252 Ecstasy.

15 thoughts on “Ecstasy Haiku

  1. Wonderful triplet of haiku HA, that first haiku is very nice and spiritual, but that third haiku is really my favorite … I can empathize with that young boy … laughing in the Monsoon after the heat. Here in The Netherlands we also need such a big rainstorm, it’s dry almost a month and now we have a heatwave. So I am praying for a big rainstorm to bring coolness and life to Mother Nature.


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