Looking for an emerald…

Travelling between

the thin line of

reality and fantasy,

looking for an emerald

that resides in me,


I stumble through distant paths

get burnt by dragon’s tongues,

 I climb the mountains

to see no sun

but be struck by lightning

in search of something

that is nowhere

but inside me,


I dwell in darkness

feast on my own dead skin,

split open my eyes,

looking for that island

where I think the stone is;


fantasy becomes reality

when I last return home,

and find some drops

falling down my open eyes,

they glint with a distinct sheen,

and I realize,

they are the dear stones,

I was looking for,

in the realm of fantasy,


all the time,

them being overlooked

by my heart,

but present

in my own reality.

*Written in response of dVerse Mirage/Fantasy prompt.

26 thoughts on “Looking for an emerald…

  1. nice…first…love the pic…one of my fav stories in the new testament… and cool on finding the real important things inside yourself…in search of something

    that is nowhere

    but inside me….that was the key line here for me…


    • Thanks..
      Sometimes it seems there is nothing good in life but goodness resides within you.. Here, I took the tears as a symbol of life.. they are the tools of one who feels, who is alive.


    • Thank you.. 🙂
      sometimes darker aspects are to be adopted to prove the point.. I use them in many of my creations but there has certainly been a lack of them in my recent pieces..


  2. Beautiful poem, gorgeous art! I love the thought too, that the truth is right here in front of us for the taking. But we have to leave home to find home.


  3. in search of something
    that is nowhere
    but inside me,

    A good point here,HA! One is often blind to what one has or what one can do! Brilliant take!



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