Takenoko/Bamboo Shoots Haiku

going up and up

reaching for eternity

rigid, tall and straight


evergreen bamboo

shoots cut down and thinly sliced

boiled, to feast upon


survival circles

displayed around the body

every few inches


ward off the evil

takenoko surrounding

lonely Shinto shrine


wet and slippery

showered in the morning rain

a bamboo-poet writes


a childish cutter

gash shining stalk of bamboo

emerge moon goddess


shedding those gold tears

watching in pain, her moon world

born from bamboo stalk

* Written for Carpe Diem # 217 Takenoko/Bamboo Shoots

* The last two haiku are derived from a Japanese folktale; The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter. I came to know about it in a Japanese cartoon show once.

10 thoughts on “Takenoko/Bamboo Shoots Haiku

  1. You were on a roll here with this Bamboo shoots … what an awesome series of haiku you have shared here with us HA. I love especially the first haiku … in that one I feel somewhat of longing to Heaven … a better world.


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